2012 Review
3221 miles run
395 hours running
71 hours mountain biking
466 total hours
I was on track to break my mileage record (from 2011...3700 or so) until my October achilles injury. The rest of the year involved mostly 30 mile weeks, plus some zero weeks to rest the injury. This year included more mountain biking than ever before, which is a trend that will surely continue, even though we aren't being blessed (or damned?) with another snow-free winter. Long runs became almost entirely trail-based, with the exception of last winter (where we stuck to dirt roads up in the hills), and 2.5 hours with 1,000+ feet of climbing became the norm. We will rely on this type of run in 2013 to get us ready for our first 50k trail races.
The crew at the Lake Wyola Road Race in June. From Right to Left: Matteo Jesus, me, Stoneman Legend.
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